Wi-Fi Presentation Series - Yousif Oraha

FREE OnDemand Webinar: Unlock the Power of SDA with Cisco DNA Center

Cisco DNA Center is heralding a new era of network management.

If you're wondering whether Software Defined Access (SDA) and Software Defined Networking (SDN) are for you, this webinar will provide the answers.

Listen to Cisco's Yousif Oraha as he walks you through  Cisco DNA Center and SDA:

  • Cisco DNAC: How guided fault finding works
  • Cisco DNAC Time Machine: Network Time Machine functionality allows historic fault finding
  • Software Defined Networking: The future of network Assurance and Automation

Enter your details and start viewing the webinar from Yousif to hear all about Cisco's Digital Network Architecture and the future of Software Defined Networking.